Personal Information |
Position: |
Emeritus Professor |
Research areas: |
Location: |
London, UK |
Publications |
- Incremental composition in distributional semantics
- Affordance competition in dialogue: The case of syntactic universals
- Actionism in syntax and semantics
- Completability vs (in)completeness
- Why natural language models must be partial and shifting: a Dynamic Syntax with Vector Space Semantics perspective
- Normativity, meaning plasticity, and the significance of Vector Space Semantics
- Procedural syntax
- Language as mechanisms for interaction: Towards an evolutionary tale
- Ellipsis in Dynamic Syntax
- Actionism in syntax and semantics
- Grammars as affordances for interaction
- Exploring Semantic incrementality with Dynamic Syntax and Vector Space Semantics
- Grammar as procedures: Language, interaction, and the predictive turn
- Chinese cleft structures and the dynamics of processing
- Shifting concepts of language: meeting the challenge of modelling interactive syntax
- Pragmatics: language and communication
- Completability vs (in)completeness
- What do words do for us?
- Action-Based Grammar: Response to commentaries on Kempson et al. ``Languages as Mechanisms for Interaction'
- Cognitive science, language as a tool for interaction, and a new look at language evolution
- Language as mechanisms for interaction: Syntax as procedures for online interactive meaning building (commentary on Christiansen & Chater The Now-or-Never Bottleneck.)
- Syntax as the dynamics of language understanding
- Language as Mechanisms for Interaction
- Reporting, Dialogue, and the Role of Grammar
- Joint utterances and the (Split-) Turn Taking Puzzle.
- Ellipsis
- Language, Music and Interaction
- When can you finish someone else's...? Influencing the production of compound contributions in dialogue
- Language and music as mechanisms for interaction
- Grammars as Processes for Interactive Language Use: Incrementality and the Emergence of Joint Intentionality
- On making syntax dynamic: The challenge of compound utterances and the architecture of the grammar
- On Coordination in Dialogue: subsentential talk and its implications
- Tree growth dynamics
- Representationalism and linguistic knowledge
- Conversational Interactions: Capturing Dialogue Dynamics
- The Dynamics of Lexical Interfaces
- Natural-language Syntax as Procedures for Interpretation: the Dynamics of Ellipsis Construal
- Incrementality and Intention-Recognition in Utterance Processing
- Standard Modern and Pontic Greek Person Restrictions: A feature-free Dynamic Account
- Incremental Turn Processing in Dialogue
- Multiple long-distance scrambling: Syntax as reflections of processing
- Incrementality, Speaker-Hearer Switching and the Disambiguation Challenge
- How mechanistic can accounts of interaction be?
- Japanese Scrambling and the Dynamics of On-line Processing
- At the syntax-pragmatics interface: Japanese relative-clause construal
- Dialogue Modelling and the Remit of Core Grammar
- Grammar Resources for Modelling Dialogue Dynamically
- Semantics: an introduction to meaning in language
- Periphery Effects and the Dynamics of Tree Growth
- Concepts of structural underspecification in Bantu and Romance
- Production pressures, syntactic change and the emergence of clitic pronouns
- Language in flux: Dialogue coordination, language variation, change and evolution
- Context and Well-formedness: the Dynamics of Ellipsis
- Dynamic Syntax and dialogue modelling: Preliminaries for a dialogue-driven account of syntactic change
- Clarification requests: An incremental account
- Grammar Formalisms and Explanations of Dialogue
- Grammars as Parsers: Meeting the Dialogue Challenge
- Clitic placement in Old and Modern Spanish: a dynamic account
- Topic, Focus and The Structural Dynamics of Language
- Data at the Grammar-Pragmatics Interface: the Case of Resumptive Pronouns in English
- The Dynamics of Language
- Right Node Raising, coordination and the dynamics of language processing
- Incremental Context-Based Generation for Dialogue
- Incrementality, Alignment and Shared Utterances
- Incremental Parsing, or Incremental Grammar?
- What goes left and what goes right
- Growth of Logical Form: the Dynamics of Syntax
- Nonrestrictive Relatives and Growth of Logical Form
- Japanese Scrambling as Growth of Semantic Representation
- Dialogue as collaborative tree growth
- The Dynamics of Syntax: Relative Pronouns, Anaphora and Crossover
- Dynamic Syntax: The Flow of Language Understanding
- Epsilon Terms: a Labelled Deduction Account
- Relative clauses, left-periphery effects, and the dynamics of language processing
- Indefinites as Epsilon Terms: A Labelled Deduction Account
- VP Ellipsis: Toward a Dynamic Structural Account
- Topic and Focus: The Dynamics of Tree Growth
- Crossover: a Unified View
- Language understanding: A procedural perspective
- On representationalism in semantics: a dynamic account of WH
- Parsing natural language using LDS: a prototype
- Language processing in LDS-NL
- Syntactic Computation as Labelled Deduction: WH a case study
- Semantics, pragmatics, and natural-language interpretation
- Ellipsis as Labelled Deduction
- Input systems, anaphora, ellipsis and operator binding
- Natural-language content: a proof-theoretic perspective
- Labelled abduction and relevance reasoning