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- Eshghi, A., Hough, J., Purver, M., Kempson, R. & Gregoromichelaki, E (2012). Conversational Interactions: Capturing Dialogue Dynamics. In Larsson, S. & Borin, L. (editors), From Quantification to Conversation: Festschrift for Robin Cooper on the occasion of his 65th birthday. London : College Publications. [More] [Digital version] [Bibtex]
- Eshghi, A., Purver, M., Hough, J. & Sato, Y (2012). Inducing lexical entries for an incremental semantic grammar. In Duchier, D. & Parmentier, Y. (editors), Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Constraint Solving and Language Processing (CSLP'12), pages 39-50. Orléans, France. [More] [Digital version] [Bibtex]
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- Howes, C. (2012). Coordination in dialogue: Using compound contributions to join a party. Phd Thesis, Queen Mary University of London. [More] [Digital version] [Bibtex]
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- Chatzikyriakidis, S (2011). A Dynamic Account of Clitic Climbing: A First Sketch. In Kempson, R., Gregoromichelaki, E. & Howes, C. (editors), The Dynamics of Lexical Interfaces. CSLI Publications. [More] [Digital version] [Bibtex]
- Eshghi, A., Purver, M. & Hough, J. (2011). Dylan: Parser For Dynamic Syntax, Queen Mary University of London. [More] [Digital version] [Bibtex]
- Gregoromichelaki, E., Kempson, R., Purver, M., Mills, G., Cann, R., Meyer-Viol, W. et al. (2011). Incrementality and Intention-Recognition in Utterance Processing. Dialogue and Discourse, 2(1), 199-233. [More] [Digital version] [Bibtex]
- Kempson, R., Gregoromichelaki, E., Meyer-Viol, W., Purver, M., White, G. & Cann, R (2011). Natural-language Syntax as Procedures for Interpretation: the Dynamics of Ellipsis Construal. In Lecomte, A. & Tronçon, S. (editors), Ludics, Dialogue and Interaction. Berlin/Heidelberg : Springer-Verlag. [More] [Digital version] [Bibtex]
- Kempson, R., Gregoromichelaki, E. & Howes, C. (2011). The Dynamics of Lexical Interfaces. CSLI - Studies in Constraint Based Lexicalism. [More] [Digital version] [Bibtex]
- Purver, M., Eshghi, A. & Hough, J (2011). Incremental Semantic Construction in a Dialogue System. In Bos, J. & Pulman, S. (editors), Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Computational Semantics (IWCS), pages 365-369. Oxford, UK. [More] [Digital version] [Bibtex]
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- Kempson, R. & Kiaer, J. (2010). Multiple long-distance scrambling: Syntax as reflections of processing. Journal of Linguistics, 46(01), 127-192. [More] [Digital version] [Bibtex]
- Purver, M., Gregoromichelaki, E., Meyer-Viol, W. & Cann, R (2010). Splitting the `I's and Crossing the `You's: Context, Speech Acts and Grammar. In Łupkowski, P. & Purver, M. (editors), Aspects of Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue. SemDial 2010, 14th Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue, pages 43-50. Poznań : Polish Society for Cognitive Science. [More] [Digital version] [Bibtex]
- Cann, R., Kempson, R. & Gregoromichelaki, E. (2009). Semantics: an introduction to meaning in language. Cambridge University Press. [More] [Digital version] [Bibtex]
- Chatzikyriakidis, S. (2009). Clitics in Grecia Salentina Greek: A Dynamic Account. Lingua, 119(12), 1939-1968. [More] [Digital version] [Bibtex]
- Gargett, A., Gregoromichelaki, E., Kempson, R., Purver, M. & Sato, Y. (2009). Grammar Resources for Modelling Dialogue Dynamically. Cognitive Neurodynamics, 3(4), 347-363. [More] [Digital version] [Bibtex]
- Gregoromichelaki, E., Sato, Y., Kempson, R., Gargett, A. & Howes, C (2009). Dialogue Modelling and the Remit of Core Grammar. In Proceedings of IWCS. [More] [Digital version] [Bibtex]
- Kempson, R., Gregoromichelaki, E. & Sato, Y (2009). Incrementality, Speaker-Hearer Switching and the Disambiguation Challenge. In Proceedings of SRSL 2009, the 2nd Workshop on Semantic Representation of Spoken Language, pages 74-81. Athens, Greece : Association for Computational Linguistics. [More] [Digital version] [Bibtex]
- Kempson, R., Gregoromichelaki, E., Purver, M., Mills, G., Gargett, A. & Howes, C (2009). How mechanistic can accounts of interaction be?. In Proceedings of the 13th SemDial Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue (DiaHolmia). [More] [Digital version] [Bibtex]
- Kempson, R., Kiaer, J. & Cann, R (2009). Periphery Effects and the Dynamics of Tree Growth. In Shaer, B., Cook, P., Frey, W. & Maienborn, C. (editors), Dislocated Elements in Discourse: Syntactic Semantics and Pragmatic Perspectives. Routledge. [More] [Digital version] [Bibtex]
- Kempson, R. & Kiaer, J (2009). Japanese Scrambling and the Dynamics of On-line Processing. In Hoshi, H. (editor), Language, Mind and Brain: Perspectives from Linguistics and Cognitive Neuroscience. Tokyo : Kuroshio. [More] [Digital version] [Bibtex]
- Kempson, R. & Kurosawa, A (2009). At the syntax-pragmatics interface: Japanese relative-clause construal. In Hoshi, H. (editor), Language, Mind and Brain: Perspectives from Linguistics and Cognitive Neuroscience. Tokyo : Kuroshio. [More] [Digital version] [Bibtex]
- Bouzouita, M (2008). At the syntax-pragmatics interface: clitics in the history of Spanish. In Cooper, R. & Kempson, R. (editors), Language in Flux: Dialogue Coordination, Language Variation, Change and Evolution. London : College Publications. [More] [Digital version] [Bibtex]
- Cooper, R. & Kempson, R. (2008). Language in flux: Dialogue coordination, language variation, change and evolution. College Publications. [More] [Digital version] [Bibtex]
- Gargett, A., Gregoromichelaki, E., Howes, C. & Sato, Y (2008). Dialogue-Grammar Correspondence in Dynamic Syntax. In Proceedings of the 12th SemDial Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue (LONDIAL). London, UK. [More] [Digital version] [Bibtex]
- Healey, P. G (2008). Interactive Misalignment: The Role of Repair in the Development of Group Sub-Languages. In Cooper, R. & Kempson, R. (editors), Language in Flux. College Publications. [More] [Digital version] [Bibtex]
- Kempson, R. & Cann, R (2008). Production pressures, syntactic change and the emergence of clitic pronouns. In Cooper, R., Kempson & R. (editors), Language in Flux: Dialogue Coordination, Language Variation, Change and Evolution. London : College Publications. [More] [Digital version] [Bibtex]
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- Marten, L., Kempson, R. & Bouzouita, M (2008). Concepts of structural underspecification in Bantu and Romance. In de Cat, C. (editor), The Romance-Bantu Connection. Amsterdam : Benjamins. [More] [Digital version] [Bibtex]
- Cann, R., Kempson, R. & Purver, M. (2007). Context and Well-formedness: the Dynamics of Ellipsis. Research on Language and Computation, 5(3), 333-358. [More] [Digital version] [Bibtex]
- Kempson, R. & Cann, R (2007). Dynamic Syntax and dialogue modelling: Preliminaries for a dialogue-driven account of syntactic change. In Salmons, J. & Dubenion-Smith, S. A. (editors), Historical Linguistics 2005: Selected Papers from the 17th International Conference on Historical Linguistics, pages 73-101. [More] [Digital version] [Bibtex]
- Kempson, R., Gargett, A. & Gregoromichelaki, E (2007). Clarification requests: An incremental account. In Artstein, R. & Vieu, L. (editors), pages 65-72. [More] [Digital version] [Bibtex]
- Bouzouita, M. & Kempson, R (2006). Clitic placement in Old and Modern Spanish: a dynamic account. In Thomsen, O. N. (editor), Competing Models of Linguistic Change. John Benjamin. [More] [Digital version] [Bibtex]
- Gregoromichelaki, E. (2006). Conditionals in Dynamic Syntax. Phd Thesis, University of London. [More] [Bibtex]
- Kempson, R., Cann, R. & Kiaer, J (2006). Topic, Focus and The Structural Dynamics of Language. In Molnar, V. & Winkler, S. (editors), The Architecture of Focus. de Gruyter. [More] [Digital version] [Bibtex]
- Kempson, R., Cann, R. & Purver, M (2006). Grammar Formalisms and Explanations of Dialogue. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Linguistic Evidence: Empirical, Theoretical and Computational Perspectives. Tübingen, Germany. [More] [Digital version] [Bibtex]
- Purver, M., Cann, R. & Kempson, R. (2006). Grammars as Parsers: Meeting the Dialogue Challenge. Research on Language and Computation, 4(2-3), 289-326. [More] [Digital version] [Bibtex]
- Cann, R., Kaplan, T. & Kempson, R. (2005). Data at the Grammar-Pragmatics Interface: the Case of Resumptive Pronouns in English. Lingua, 115(11), 1475-1665. [More] [Digital version] [Bibtex]
- Cann, R., Kempson, R. & Marten, L. (2005). The Dynamics of Language. Oxford : Elsevier. [More] [Digital version] [Bibtex]
- Cann, R., Kempson, R., Marten, L. & Otsuka, M. (2005). Right Node Raising, coordination and the dynamics of language processing. Lingua, 115(4), 503-525. [More] [Digital version] [Bibtex]
- Cann, R (2005). Towards a Dynamic Account of be in English. In Comorowski, I. & Von Heusinger, K. (editors), Existence: Syntax and Semantics. Dordrecht : Kluwer Academic Publishers. [More] [Digital version] [Bibtex]
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- Purver, M. & Kempson, R (2004). Incremental Context-Based Generation for Dialogue. In Belz, A., Evans, R. & Piwek, P. (editors), Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Natural Language Generation ({INLG04}), pages 151-160. Brockenhurst, UK : Springer. [More] [Digital version] [Bibtex]
- Purver, M. & Kempson, R (2004). Incrementality, Alignment and Shared Utterances. In Ginzburg, J. & Vallduví, E. (editors), Proceedings of the 8th Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue ({SEMDIAL}), pages 85-92. Barcelona, Spain. [More] [Digital version] [Bibtex]
- Purver, M. & Kempson, R (2004). Incremental Parsing, or Incremental Grammar?. In Keller, F., Clark, S., Crocker, M. et al (editors), Proceedings of the {ACL} Workshop on Incremental Parsing: Bringing Engineering and Cognition Together, pages 74-81. Barcelona, Spain. [More] [Digital version] [Bibtex]
- Kempson, R., Meyer-Viol, W. & Otsuka, M (2003). Growth of Logical Form: the Dynamics of Syntax. In Peregrin, J. (editor), Meaning: The Dynamic Turn. Oxford, UK : Elsevier. [More] [Bibtex]
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- Kempson, R (2003). Nonrestrictive Relatives and Growth of Logical Form. In Garding, G. & Tsujimura, M. (editors), Proceedings of the West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics 22 (WCCFL), pages 301-314. [More] [Digital version] [Bibtex]
- Otsuka, M. & Purver, M (2003). Incremental Generation by Incremental Parsing. In Proceedings of the 6th CLUK Colloquium, pages 93-100. Edinburgh : CLUK. [More] [Digital version] [Bibtex]
- Purver, M. & Otsuka, M (2003). Incremental Generation by Incremental Parsing: Tactical Generation in Dynamic Syntax. In Proceedings of the 9th European Workshop in Natural Language Generation (ENLG-2003), pages 79-86. Budapest : ACL. [More] [Digital version] [Bibtex]
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- Gregoromichelaki, E. (2002). The Dynamics of Relative Clauses in Modern Greek. Master Thesis, Kings College London. [More] [Digital version] [Bibtex]
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