DS PhD course and conference postponed due to corona

Given the current corona crisis, it will come as no surprise to anyone that PhD course in Bergen scheduled for May 4th-7th and the fourth DS conference in Oxford, scheduled for May 22nd and 23rd, will not be taking place as planned.

We hope to be able to reschedule these for later in the year, but may also explore virtual solutions if it becomes clear that this is not possible.

Watch this space.

Third Dynamic Syntax Conference

Thanks to everyone who attended the Third Dynamic Syntax Conference, hosted by The Institute of Linguistics and Language Technology at the University of Malta Valletta Campus on the 16th and 17th of May 2019.

Abstracts are available at the conference website:


Dynamic Syntax Conference

Thanks to everyone who attended for making the first Dynamic Syntax conference a success!

We will be in touch with everyone shortly about a possible journal special issue and anything else that came up.

If you wish to be included on the DS mailing list and are not already on it, please e-mail us at


Please let us know if there are things you would like to see here - and we will do our best to make it happen.

Also let us know if you wish to join the mailing list.

